"Global cooperation to secure the 1.5°C limit" – Submission on NZ’s Approach to International Climate Change Negotiations 2023

Ahead of the COP28 international climate change negotiations which are due to be held in Dubai at the end of the year, OraTaiao has responded to a consultation request from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Manatū Aorere (MFAT).

OraTaiao believes that New Zealand's approach to COP28 must recognise it as a tool for global cooperation to secure the humanly adaptable limit of 1.5°C of global warming, not a forum for competitive trade negotiations. And before using international platforms to promote ourselves as climate leaders – when there is not credible substance to this claim across all sectors and gases – we must first be the change we want to see globally. 

OraTaiao has therefore provided MFAT with comprehensive advice. Making human health a key focus of urgent climate action can guide their approach on a wide range of questions in Dubai – including, but not limited to: 

  • Siding with the Global South (including the Alliance of Small Island States)

  • Taking direction from hapū and iwi, ensuring that Māori are fully resourced to participate at COP28 in the ways that they determine.

  • Supporting diplomacy and cooperation, instead of continuing down the path of increasing destructive militarisation

  • Committing to much faster reductions in our own agricultural emissions

OraTaiao's submission was produced by lead author Liz Springford, with the support of Dr James Hamill, Summer Wright, Dr Dermot Coffey, Dr Scott Metcalfe and our partners in the New Zealand Climate Action Network. It is available here

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