Our Accountability Processes
OraTaiao: The Aotearoa NZ Climate and Health Council, Incorporated - is a not-for-profit, politically non-partisan New Zealand Incorporated Society (registration number 2509679) established in 2009.
OraTaiao has a number of processes in place to support transparency and accountability including:
• A Constitution (see here).
• Governance by an Executive Board (see bios here) of 11 members including two Co-Convenors (one of whom is Māori), elected annually.
• An annual general meeting where an annual report from the Co-convenors (2024 report here) and annual financial statements are presented:
Our annual financial statement is filed with the Companies Office each year. You can access our most recent Treasurer's Report here.
You can find copies of our past financial statements by searching the Register of Societies and Trusts online (free, here).
In addition, if our financial statements are not formally audited in a particular year, a record of all financial transactions (with donor names removed for privacy) is circulated to members in advance of the annual general meeting.
• Monthly Executive Board meetings (via Zoom web-conferencing, open to all members) with agenda sent to all members in advance of the meeting. These are held at 7.00 pm on the last Thursday of the month.
• A Strategic Plan (2024 - 2026 plan here), reviewed every two years.
• Memorandum of Understanding with the Sustainable Healthcare Aotearoa here.
OraTaiao: The NZ Climate and Health Council Privacy Policy
Members of the public may browse and access information contained within this website without providing any ‘Personal Data’ (information that can be associated with a specific person and could be used to identify that person). We only collect Personal Data where it is provided voluntarily (e.g. joining as a Member, signing up for email updates). We may use web statistics software to analyse user movement within the site and will use this data to improve our site performance and to assess the popularity of different areas of the site.
With respect to Personal Data that is provided voluntarily through interaction with our Organisation, this Privacy Policy sets forth our framework for use and protection of that data. We consider your Personal Data to be information that is a vital part of our relationship with you, and we take the privacy of your Personal Data seriously. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy then please contact us.
1.0 Consent
By becoming a Member or otherwise interacting with our Organisation (e.g. signing a petition, or contacting us with enquiries) you are consenting to our collection, use, and storage/retention, in accordance with this Privacy Policy, of any Personal Data or other information received by us as a result of the interaction.
2.0 Data collected
When signing up to become a Member, or otherwise interacting with our Organisation, you may voluntarily provide Personal Data such as name, address, telephone numbers, email address, title, workplace, role, and ethnicity.
3.0 Use and Disclosure of Personal Data
3.1 Specific reason
If you provide Personal Data for a certain purpose, we will only use it for the purpose for which it was provided. For instance, if you contact us by e-mail with an enquiry, we will answer your enquiry by responding to the email address from which the contact came. If you provide Personal Data in order to become a Member of OraTaiao: The Aotearoa NZ Climate and Health Council we will use your Personal Data to provide you with Member services (such as email updates, newsletters, event invitations, opportunity to sign letters and petitions etc), and possibly to connect you with other Members with similar roles and interests, or in the same geographic area.
3.2 Internal organisational purposes
We may use your Personal Data for internal purposes, for example, to help us understand our membership demographics and behaviours, to improve the member services, and to protect against, identify or address wrongdoing. We may utilise third parties to undertake organisation-related functions (e.g. database service providers, backup recovery service providers). When we engage a third party to perform such functions, they may have access to Personal Data in connection with their performance of such functions, however, the third party will be bound by our Privacy Policy.
3.3 No sharing or sale
Beyond the context of engaging a third party to perform internal organisational functions (outlined in section 3.2), we will not share or sell your Personal Data to any third party.
3.4 Legal requirements
We may disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law (e.g. a request from law enforcement, a court or a government agency) or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary (a) to comply with a legal obligation, (b) to protect or defend our rights and interests, or that of third parties, (c) to prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing.
3.5 Children
We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of thirteen (13). If you are under the age of 13 years please do not submit any Personal Data. We encourage parents/guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children never to provide Personal Data without their permission.
3.5 Other uses
If we plan to use any Personal Data in any manner that is not consistent with this Privacy Policy we will obtain your consent prior to such use.
4.0 Storage of Data
We take reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data collected through interaction with our Organisation from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, inadvertent disclosure, and alteration. However, no network, server, database or Internet or e-mail transmission is ever fully secure or error free. Therefore, you should take special care in deciding what information you send to us electronically.
5.0 Accessing your Data
Members may access and update some of their Personal Data being stored by us by logging in and visiting the My Account page. Members may also contact us directly with requests to update and/or access Personal Data that is not accessible through the My Account page.
6.0 Retention of Data
We retain your Personal Data as long as you continue to be a Member of OraTaiao: The NZ Climate and Health Council, or to otherwise interact with our Organisation. You may end your membership/ interaction by contacting us. However, we may retain Personal Data for longer as even if we delete your Personal Data it may persist on backup or archival media for an additional period of time.
7.0 Changes to this Privacy Policy
Our Organisation will develop over time, and it may be necessary for us to update this Privacy Policy. Any modifications to this Privacy Policy will be posted to our website with a change to the "Updated” date at the bottom of the Policy, and Members will be informed by email.
Updated 2025