Sustainable Healthcare Forum 24Nov2017
University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine, Mein St, NewtownKia ora koutou,
We invite you to a FREE Sustainable Healthcare Forum in Wellington on the 24th Nov 2017 (see flyer here) to discuss how the health sector (and the delivery of healthcare) in Aotearoa-NZ can contribute to meeting the challenges of climate change.
It will be possible to participate online by Zoom webinar or livestream - so please think about setting up a virtual hub in your region!
Sustainable Healthcare in Aotearoa NZ - 1 day Forum
Nov 24th 2017
University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine, Mein St, Newtown
Human health relies on a healthy planet – health care without harm?
Climate action and sustainability in the health sector has the potential to save money, boost health, and to show that health is a leader in NZ’s efforts to meet targets under the Paris climate change agreement.
Brought to you by OraTaiao: The NZ Climate and Health Council and the Sustainable Health Sector National Network NZ, with support from the Deep South National Science Challenge Engagement Fund - come and learn with international and national leaders in this field
Help us launch our 3-point plan for DHB greenhouse gas reduction
TO REGISTER PLEASE EMAIL [email protected]
Posted by Romelli Rodriguez-Jolly on ,