There are many public policy areas that are relevant to climate change, including urban planning, transport, energy, waste, agriculture and forestry. Many of these policy areas also have strong interactions with health.
OraTaiao makes policy submissions to local and central government, to encourage policy that reduces climate emissions AND improves health and fairness.
OraTaiao welcomes opportunities to discuss and give evidence-informed advice about climate change and health to Ministers, Members of Parliaments and political parties. OraTaiao is politically non-partisan and not aligned with any political party, and welcomes engagement with all parties.
Links to Party Policies on Climate Change (in alphabetical order):
Act Party New Zealand - policy here.
Green Party New Zealand - policy here.
Labour Party New Zealand - policy here.
Māori Party - policy here.
National Party New Zealand - policy here.
NZ First - policy here.
OraTaiao Submission on NZ's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (Post 2020 Climate Target):
Read submission here, and appendix with supporting information here.
Cross-Party Conference on Climate Change, 25th September 2015, Wellington:
Conference on Climate Protection hosted at Parliament, exploring (1) an ambitious domestic emissions target for New Zealand, (2) within an appropriate share of the global carbon budget. Programme here.
Background research paper "Climate Goals for New Zealand in 2030" here, plus Annex A, B, C and D.
Dr Scott Metcalfe Presentation "What Is An Appropriate Emissions Share for New Zealand" here.
Dr Christian Holz "Fairness and Ambition for the Global Response to Climate Change: The Climate Equity Reference Framework" presentation here.
Sarah Meads "Feasible Ambition" presentation here.