The 2022 emissions budgets and the first Emissions Reduction Plan

The 2022 emissions budgets and the first Emissions Reduction Plan

OraTaiao submission to the Environment Committee Komiti Taiao, 27 June 2022

"After OraTaiao’s twelve years of calling for fast fair Tiriti-founded climate action that is healthy for our planet and those who live here, we have mixed feelings about this plan. We are both relieved that legislative and governmental structures are in place with the first plan for climate action finally being proposed, and deeply concerned at how slow and limited this action is. 

"There are two fundamental flaws with the Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP): the level of ambition (speed, scale and coverage) is just a fraction of what’s needed, and the agricultural sector, which is our biggest climate polluter, is absent. OraTaiao commends however the ERP focus on empowering Māori." 

Read full submission, including our response to the Environment Committee Komiti Taiao’s key questions, here

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